Danish National Chapter
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IAH Membership

drilling in Sri Lanka
In Sri Lanka, after the tsunami, new wells had to be sunk to supply water for the tsunami victims since existing wells had all become saline after the saltwater flooding.

Benefits of membership

The benefits of IAH membership include the following:
  • Opportunities to be in contact with other hydrogeologists and groundwater specialists around the world
  • Access to the Hydrogeology Journal, published online eight times a year, containing peer reviewed papers on hydrogeology and related topics
  • Discounts on IAH books and registration fees at IAH conferences
  • News and information about IAH, via electronic newsletters

Membership of the Danish National Chapter of IAH

If you join IAH and are based in Denmark, then you automatically become a member of the Danish National Chapter. You can also choose to be part of the Danish National Chapter, even if you live elsewhere. The easiest way to join IAH is via the main IAH website where you can find full details of the current subscription rates. Reduced rates are available for students, and people from middle and low income countries. You can also join IAH by filling out attached flyer

Corporate membership

The following Danish companies are corporate members of the Danish National Chapter:

For more information about corporate membership, please visit the main IAH website.

© IAH - Danish National Chapter Oester Voldgade 10, DK-1350 Copenhagen K, E-mail:
Last modified : Mar. 1, 2010
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