Welcome to the website of the International Association of Hydrogeologists, Danish National Chapter
Old water wheels used a generation back are now defunct because of intensive pumping that have left groundwater levels too deep to reach. Now effective pumps are doing the job (see the background). Pakistan. IAH is a worldwide professional non-governmental organisation for groundwater specialists, with over 3,800 members in more than 135 countries. IAH promotes the sustainable development, use, management, and protection of groundwater resources for the common good. IAH members around the world are organised into national chapters. The role of the Danish National Chapter includes: - Promotion of activities that further the research, technology, and management of groundwater
- Stimulation of interest of Danish hydrogeologists in the activities of IAH
- Maintenance of a dialogue with other groups in Denmark and abroad concerned with groundwater
- Representation at international level of the interests of IAH members in Denmark.
For more information about IAH, please visit the main IAH website.
Hydrologidag 2019
The event took place in October. Go to the new website to learn more about it and see programme and presentations
(in Danish).